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Gospel Palagin

This August I was honoured to be among the industry professionals who were sharing their experiences at the scene of the GFDNorth conference in Manchester.
I was presenting the semiological method in character desi...WHAT? Ok, in more humane words - I was telling how little symbols can engage the viewer in the character's narrative, how to search for these symbols, how to articulate them and how science can help us to do that.
If you are interested in the narrative side of the character design, like nerdy words like "semantics" and "information entropy" or just feeling anxious about MidJourney taking your work from you - here is the link to my presentation:
And a little sneak peek at my presentation:

Thank you, Ryan ( for inviting me and organising the event! And a shout-out to the splendid bunch of people I've met there!